# simplest.db

# About

This module really simplifies the creation and use of databases. But sacrifices eficciency for simplicity.

It's thinked for begginers or for projects where speed isn't vital.

Using JSON as a database is not a good idea. and using SQLite tables with two rows to store JSON is also not the best idea.

This module was actually made as a better alternative to quick.db and megadb.


  • It's slow, see this
  • has a high change of going corrupt as it writes the changes on the disk on every call of the establecer (set) method.
  • it uses cache on the delete method but not in the set method, which means poor design.


  • It's slow, see this
  • You cannot set a custom database file, it's always ./json.sqlite

# Installation

To install the package, run the following command:

npm i simplest.db

if you don't want to use the SQLite database, you should do

npm i simplest.db --no-optional